I Bleed To Know You're Alive.
Date : Saturday, November 29, 2008
Time : 11:23 AM
Title : Robert Pattinson a.k.a Edward Cullen's..=D

Hi.. lama tak ber-blog ria aku ini..=p
haduhh aku udah males lah tulis.. sial x.. aku td da tulis panjang lebar, trus td tb2 lappieku hang.. dan sekarang hilang semua. =(

badmood x ah..huff =.="

heyhey..drpd berbadmood..
mending aku crita balik nih inti2nya hehe..
aku abis pulang dr nntn suatu film yg amat bisa membuatku menjerit, jantung berdebar2, darah mengalir kencang, haha..
ga pernah ada cowo yg bs membuat semua cewe menjerit tanpa alasan yg jelas.. tapi cowo ini BISA. dialah Edward Cullen.. pemeran film : " TWILIGHT "
oh noo...kerennya diaa......
kalian harus nonton deh pokokna..
ga bakal nyesel,hehe..

lihat betapa kerennya dia...aaaaaaaa......

kog ga ada adegan ini ya wkt di film? haha

Nah begitu sajalah..hehe
tidur aku yahh...

Eh Eh Eh.. ada yg kelupaan..
ada pertanyaan nih aku..
knapa smua org terheran2 setelah tau aku punya blog?
apakah Aneh? haha..

Date : Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Time : 2:19 AM
Title : Delivery to ELBP students.

To : All ELBP students 2008.

s a CRITICAL student

With a CRITICAL thinking,

Being watched by CRITICAL Tutor,

Should give a CRITICAL question

In order to get a CRITICAL answer

To avoid getting the CRITICAL mark

By : Parengkuan,2008.

Date : Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Time : 9:26 AM
Title : Midnight's Victims of UNO Stacko

just wanna publish the "cannot marry" persons' face who lost when played UNO..
ops! except : ME.. ( I still can marry I think..=p )

Date :
Time : 6:52 AM
Title : Post2an sebelum berUNO ria + post utk buat org malu.. huahaha =)

heyhey..im back..
nah, today i feel very very very happy..
guess why??
dumdum..because i have NO homework for today + i have already slept for 5hours today..
I'll back to my night life in 20minutes from now. =p

*nightlife = UNO life.. hahaha..

btw, there's someone who are very fool.. I call her "si damnness foolness" huahaha..
She's being lied by "dengdengdeng" haha..
ops,sorry.. i cant tell you a whole story.. because i'll be kicked by her if I published it..haha..=p


Date : Monday, November 24, 2008
Time : 10:50 AM
Title : You are the love of my life

I am amazed
When i look at you
I see you smiling back at me
It's like all my dreams come true

I am afraid
If i lost you
I'd fall through the cracks
And lose me track in this crazy lonely world

Sometimes it's so hard to believe
When the nights can be so long
And gave me the strength
And kept me holding on

You are the love of my life
And I'm so glad you found me
You are the love of my life
Baby put your arms around me
I guess this is how it feels
When you finally find something real
My angel in the night
You are my love
The love of my life

Now here you are
With midnight closing in
You take my hand as our shadows dance
With moonlite on you skin

I look in your eyes
I'm lost inside your kiss
I think if i'd never met you
About all the things i'd missed

sometimes it's so hard to believe
when a love can be so strong
and faith gave me the strength
and kept me holding on

You are the love of my life
And I'm so glad you found me
You are the love of my life
Baby put your arms around me
I guess this is how it feels
When you finally find something real
My angel in the night
You are my love
The love of my life

Date :
Time : 10:30 AM
Title : Surat tengah malam..=p

Firstly... aku laperrrr... kog ga jd yah domino nya? gara2 dua denny ini lah, cupu x.. ga bs kasi tau alamat yg jelas, haha..
nah nah nah.. Denny..aku update duluan yah..=p

hemhemhem... aku baru naik nih, abis bljr vocab.. biasa anak rajin.. siang jd malam, malam jd pagi.. hidup yg sehat haha..
ini ini.. setelah belajar, kita main UNO stacko lg.. liat.. di bawah..

tinggi yah UNO nya? =p

nah begitu saja yah.. da mau antuk nih,besok ujian.. wish me gudluck! =)

Date :
Time : 12:48 AM
Title : Monday Oh Monday!

Hello.. It's me..back again.. =p

nah aku tak tau mau tulis apa utk hari ini..

tapi utk pagi ini seru deh..

kita main uno stucko di studyroom dan makan mcd di laundry room..lihatlah betapa rakusnya

kita..haha.. pertama2, makan, abis makan, kita main di ruang laundry, bis tuh goyang2 smua krn

mejanya ga bs kompromi dgn kita alias meja rusak,haha..

da tuh, akhirnya kita mengintip ke arah study room, dengdengdeng... dan meilinda blg "cuma

ada 2 org", dan smua uda okeh,jd masuklah kita ke dalam, da tuh...... itu tuh si meilin suka x

ganggu org yg lg main, jadi aku menjadi polisi uno utk tengah malam itu..dan akhirnya uno

itupun jatuh,dan si vonny ma leo paling parah lah itu,. masa ketawa mpe gitu keras,haha..

mpe org india nya yg lg bljr di dalam mau pggl security buat usir kita mpe mau lari kita.. =p

(boong nih aku ke mreka,haha)

hanya itu saja la..

utk berita malam ini, kupost utk tar tengah malam aja ya.. skrg aku mau bobok siang


oh yaaa :

*kita (Leo,Voo,Mei and ME) hehe..

buat connie lontong : "jangan pengen menghilang lmulu kamu, ngpn stress.. kita hidup utk senang2 oii... =p"

Date : Sunday, November 23, 2008
Time : 6:39 AM
Title : Stress Mode ON*

Oh Mr.Graham and Mrs. Dale...
let me go home..
Jangan kasih aku PR lg..
I feel desperate now....
Im so confuse about my academic journal discussion..
I dont know how to do it..
Sometimes I felt, I just wanna go home and back to my old life..
where I can feel comfortable without stress and can did whatever I want to.

Date : Thursday, November 13, 2008
Time : 10:13 AM
Title : Thx ya Room Mate-s ku

Thx buat meilinda setio atas kreasi blog dan postingnya..
Tar ku traktir makan waffle deh..

Untuk vonny, blogger-wanna-be..
Jgn minta si mei buat blog.
Dia uda males tu.

Ini voto saya yg dipilih si meilinda setio..


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