I Bleed To Know You're Alive.
Date : Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Time : 9:07 PM
Title : Merry Christmas all..=)

Christmas all..=)
May joy, peace, love, happiness and abundant blessing always be with you and family..=)

Date :
Time : 9:07 PM
Title : Merry Christmas all..=)

Date :
Time : 8:44 PM
Title : 24th Dec 2998 (Welcome to Medan)

wahh.. akhirnya nih aku balik Medan juga.. stelah sekian lama aku dsana..
sepanjang perjalanan ke airport, kita (Aku, Meilinda dan Vonny) di pick up oleh pakcik Ruslan..
gilak cerewet x dia.. masa sepanjang jalan yg diomongin cuma nama2 orang dan dia tanya kita kenal apa ga..
yah pasti ga kenal la.. secara kita baru dtg dan yg ditanya itu murid yg uda graduate 5 tahun yg lalu..parah bah.. haha..
nahnahnah..dan tibalah kita sampai ke bandara..
sebenarnya kita arus tunggu nya di gate H6, tp berhubung krn kita gatel, mulut pgn makan, dan mau beli coklat, naik train kita ke blok C buat cari makanan, tah bisa balik apa ga pun ga mau tau lg, wkaka..
tapi tapi tapi bisa balik kog. hehe.

eh eh.. ini ceritanya langsung di pesawat aja yah.
tau ga, di pesawat itu orang yg naik cuma belasan orang.. wihh enaknya.. tidur kita, haha.
tau ga, masa kursinya warna wearni.. keren x lah.. haha.

ciuuuu....sampailah kita di medan..
mpe medan, bagasikuy dicoret tanda X. matiti tndanya da mau diperiksa oleh petugas sialan.haha.
dan wkt diperiksa, tekejut petugas itu karna aku taroh barang keramat di tpt plg atas, jadi dia lgsg tutup dan memperbolehkan aku keluar. wkaka...

cihuii dan diluar ketemu lah aku dgn temen2ku.. makasih yah da jemput aku..=)

da tuh.. naik ke mobil, dan melanjkutkan perjalanan pg makan mie hokkien.wkaka. enaknya..
sedap ah.. (buat yg masi di KL, kasian deh..=p)
da tuh, kita k rumah si bukit.. numpang tidur bentar krn kecapekan..haha
siap abngun, pergilah kita ke Ayam Penyet Surabaya..
gilaa.. itu mbak nya lambat bgt jalannya, bikin emosi aja..haha..

eh eh eh.. udah.. itu aja lah.. bingung aku sudah.. da terlalu panjang.. yg baca pun bingung.. wkaka..

Date : Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Time : 2:28 AM
Title : the last day for Critical Review..

ahh... aloha aloha alohaa...
seneng x aku ari ini..
tau ga kenapa?
wihh finally, aku siap juga kerjain CR sialan itu..
dan tadi sudah dikumpul..
1minggu lg aku akan pulang medan.
wait for me Tabona, Gelato, Sushi Tei and ofcourse Sun plaza (cafe de sunshine) hoho..
da ga sabar aku..
huaa.. sop buntut goreng..
makanan pedes..
ayam goreng binjai.. wkaka..
ayo ayo bayangkan.. wihh..
kalo mikir makanan nomer 1 aku.
coba kalo disuruh critical thinking, mati diam seribu bahasa aku ini. =p

heyhey, tar malam aku mau pg beli botol air di starbucks.. discount oi..
ayo ayo.. sapa yg mau? sapa yg mau? =p

ah sudahlah.. tidur sore dulu aku..
tadi pagi jam 5 baru tdr aku..
gara2 main badminton bareng somay, erlyn, andry.. =)
nice game.. ^^


Date : Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Time : 2:07 AM
Title : 16th December 2008 *Hari terakhir buat Critical Review

huaaa... finally, I've almost done my Critical Review.. it only takes 48hours to do that all.. and of course it's very very very beleke. haha.
Im desparate now..
I think I wont come back here again after my holiday on 24th dec later..
I bored with all the homework that I must do everyday.
it makes me confused and going crazy..=(
fiuhh fiuhh fiuhh...
now, im going to do my CR again..

Date : Friday, December 12, 2008
Time : 2:09 AM
Title : 12th December 2008

huaa.. finally, I can feel more comfortable now..=)
last night I slept at 4am bcause of the presentation..=(
when I arrived at ELBP class, Oh my G.
i felt so sleepy..
nervous.. because Im the victim for presentation for this week..wew..
can you imagine how I presented this morning?
0-0.. the coolest people presented this morning..
tommorow will be the hot gossip in Binjai..haha =p

btw, at firstI feel relax because I thought only presented for my classmate (ELBP A),
but.. Unfortunately, Graham came when Kevin was present, and do you know what he said?
he said that Me and Vonny will present for 2class.. 2 combine to 1.
like my name : Stella All in One.. haha..
(jayuss ah ini..=p)

But, it's ok.. I think today will have a great dinner.. I'll go to sushi zanmai.. oh baby octopus.. wait for me yahh..=)

tommorow, I'll start to do my Critical Review..
ohh.. tired..=(

here is the picture of me yesterday while practiced the presentation.. (captured by Meilinda Setio)
and I also have 1 photo..
can u imagine that the fvcking retard boy can iron his trousers by himself? *ngakak
here is the photo

wkakaka... =p

okey all.. I want to take a nap now..
gud afternoon..=)

Date : Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Time : 11:05 AM
Title : Makanan enak..nyummy..

wahh..betapa enaknya rendang ini..
di delivery dari medan loh..
makasih buat mama nya VoVo..=)
enak bgt, gilak..
lama ga dpt makan rendang, hoho..

Btw, aku baru siap kerjain 2 artikel buat Critical Reviewku..
capeknya diriku ini..=(
btw, ada pesan buat nenek febri..
"hey nek..aku uda buat 2 artikel neh..ayoo traktir ak makan Zanmai..=p"

begitu sajalah yaa.. mataku ini da tinggal bbrp watt..
da mau pgsan..
gudnitee world..=)

Date : Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Time : 8:51 AM
Title : Dedicated to Someone =)

"____" (Name of this person)

Forget DOES NOT mean to forget all the things about it.
Try to be close to friends because if you have 1 true friend, you have more than you can share, who can accompany you when you r sad and alone.
Try to share your problems with your friends if you cant handle it again by yourself.
From my point of view, you r NOT a jerk.
You are deserved to have good friends.
If there's no-one want, I WANT!
All I want you to do just now is try to start your new life, please share if you have problems, because I can be a good listener if you want me to be. =)

It is said that love is blind, friendship on the other hand is clairvoyant.

Date :
Time : 8:49 AM
Title : semangat ayo semangat!


Date :
Time : 8:28 AM
Title : ELBP can make people dying slowly!

Hello all..=)
long time no update my blog,
I have no time to updated it.
There r too many homework that I must do.
Till today, there r too many homework that I must do!
1 go, 3 come again!
oh my G.
how can I do that in 48 hours from now?
deadline oh deadline.. can you please stop the time and let the time go back? =(
i have to do my critical review, research for my presentation, research essay.. oh.. what else?
can i just disappear from this world?

Date : Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Time : 10:45 AM
Title : Bulan yg membuat aku stress =(

huaa.. aku ga suka blan 12 x ini.. smua terasa lambat..
banyak x peer utk bulan ini, blm siap yg 1, 2 da dtg lg peernya.. macem punya kaki aja peer itu.. sebel..
ga pernah aku stress kek gini selama hidupku..
dr yg muda pun bs jd nenek2 gara2 ikut elbp ini..
tah lewat ga aku.. =(

Critical oh Critical..
malesnyaa diriku..
cuman inilah takut aku dimarahin si nenek febri,
arus buat lah aku ini.. hehe..

tapi tapi tapi, gimana cari source nya?
aku duduk di dpn laptop cari selama bbrp jam, ga dpt 1 pun..

Mr and Mrs DOWN....
HELP me please... =(

begitu sajalah..
cuma mau mengabarkan kalo aku uda pengen tanggal 24 des 2008.
penegn balik indo.. makan makanan enak.. huaaa..
bisa kamu bayangkan lezatnya sop buntut goreng?
wihhh... nyummy..

bagi pembaca2 sekalian, kalian bantuin aku cari artikel dulu.. ayo cepat.. =p

gudnitee =)

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